Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Big Trip Coming Up

Well the Israel trip is fast approaching. I have to say that it has been really hard getting excited about it. I knew we would be finishing up the house the same time as the trip. I want to go but I also want to stay home and move. I have alot of getting ready to do now. I need to pack and get groceries for the kids, make sure I have a complete schedule mapped out and get the house clean and laundry done. I finally asked Kera if I could borrow her luggage but I need to get it here now so I can put something in it. I must work better under pressure, thats why I wait until the last minute. I will try to post some house pic. maybe tomorrow.


Allison Holt said...

Kristie the trip is going to be way fun and I think everyone in our family works better under pressure!

Jennifer said...

I usually get all my great ideas and most things done at the last minute or around 1:00 a.m. I am excited to go this week but have a LONG list to get done before we go. I can't wait to see the house. Exciting for you guys. See you soon. Jen