Monday, December 29, 2008

Well we made it back from the trip. The kids survived without us and we had some very good experiences there. The whole trip was basically the places where Jesus ministered and lived. It makes everything seem very real to have been there. here are some pics of my favorite spots This is at the Sermon on the mount. They take a rock where Jesus sat and then build a big shrine around it. Beautiful building though.

This is where the Jordan River springs is. It is a beautiful pace and just above it is wre they say the trasfiguration occured.

Ty is looking so inspired at Capernaum. This was the town of Jesus. I don't know how they carved these big Synagogues. They were awesome.

This is all of us that went on the sea of Galilee. We had the funnest time altogether.

This is Ty and me floating on a boat on the sea of Galilee. I really liked it here. It was a great view of Tiberias amd Jordan. we ate fish with the head still on when we got to the pier.

We had a layover in New your so we ran down town to Time square and got a hot dog from a street vendor. We rode the subway. It was reaklly fun. We met some interesting people. Sometimes it was a little scary. Just a quick pit stop on our big vacation.

This is a few of us at cesarea. King Harod built this place on the coast of the Medataranian sea. It was beautiful there along the coast and very warm for Nov.

This was the first place we stayed . we went down to the ocean and it was pretty warm water. we went in the dark so the pics didn't turn out so good right down there but it was still really neat. The Lobby and exterior of the hotels were really nice and the rooms were like staying in a dive. When you walk in you thinks oh this is so nice and then you get to your room and say no way this place is a a dive.

What can I say about the trip, The plane ride was very bad but not quite as bad on the way home. We are very thankful to mom and dad for giving us the opportunity to go. Our testimonys wre strengthened by seeing places where Jesus actually walked and taught. Sometimes the spirit bore witness that that was really the spot and it is funny that we had different experiences in the same places. Like Ty said he really liked it at the rock where Jesus and the disiples ate. And I didn't really have anything that moving happen to me there but other places like the Mount of Olives. One of my favorite days we spent there was when we were on the sea of gallilee except the fish head and the cats I thought that day was fun. Also I really liked it at the Garden Tomb and I enjoyed the guide at that place. Also seeing the silent witnesses was special. I felt the spirit several times on those last few days. Something I hope to never forget is how I felt . I hope to be able to forget most of the food. Except the place where we went to pizza on the last night. It was pretty good. Being with the family all the time I thought was really great. I thought it was fun just touring around and enjoying each others company. An I reallly like it when Ty has a little spirit in his heart. All in all we joked about Awesome israel but that is just how I feel about it now that it was awesome and I hope I won't forget what we did there. And if I do I hope I have journaled well enought to refer back. Thanks again mom and dad for taking us. I hope we can go on another trip soon. Love Kristie and Ty

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Big Trip Coming Up

Well the Israel trip is fast approaching. I have to say that it has been really hard getting excited about it. I knew we would be finishing up the house the same time as the trip. I want to go but I also want to stay home and move. I have alot of getting ready to do now. I need to pack and get groceries for the kids, make sure I have a complete schedule mapped out and get the house clean and laundry done. I finally asked Kera if I could borrow her luggage but I need to get it here now so I can put something in it. I must work better under pressure, thats why I wait until the last minute. I will try to post some house pic. maybe tomorrow.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Haloween night

Well we had a fun Haloween night. We carved a pumpkin which I think looks pretty good considering we hadn't carved one in a few years. Then we went to the trunk or treat down at the church. The kids all got plenty of candy and they had doughnuts and hot chocolate. (yummy) Then we went to Tina's house for a costume party. We had great food and alot of fun. Then we came home and watched Kit-Kindredge. I thought it was a ppretty good show. Olivia and Raegan liked it to. Chase went to his friend Bradly's house for a little party and Haylie was so bored hanging out with us. Imagine that. All in all a pretty good night.
P.S. Chase won the wresstling match today he pinned all 5 kids he wrestled today. Good Job chase!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Just getting started

Hello everyone who will read my blog. I am not really sure that blogging will be for me but All my kids wanted me to put their picture somewhere that you could see them doing fun things. They like to look at other blogs like my sisters that show their kids. I hope this will make them feel important. I don't know how much time I will have but I'll try it for a while and see how it goes. I hope I can figure it out.