Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Big Trip Coming Up

Well the Israel trip is fast approaching. I have to say that it has been really hard getting excited about it. I knew we would be finishing up the house the same time as the trip. I want to go but I also want to stay home and move. I have alot of getting ready to do now. I need to pack and get groceries for the kids, make sure I have a complete schedule mapped out and get the house clean and laundry done. I finally asked Kera if I could borrow her luggage but I need to get it here now so I can put something in it. I must work better under pressure, thats why I wait until the last minute. I will try to post some house pic. maybe tomorrow.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Haloween night

Well we had a fun Haloween night. We carved a pumpkin which I think looks pretty good considering we hadn't carved one in a few years. Then we went to the trunk or treat down at the church. The kids all got plenty of candy and they had doughnuts and hot chocolate. (yummy) Then we went to Tina's house for a costume party. We had great food and alot of fun. Then we came home and watched Kit-Kindredge. I thought it was a ppretty good show. Olivia and Raegan liked it to. Chase went to his friend Bradly's house for a little party and Haylie was so bored hanging out with us. Imagine that. All in all a pretty good night.
P.S. Chase won the wresstling match today he pinned all 5 kids he wrestled today. Good Job chase!